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Online Membership Form

Please fill out the form in it's entirety below and a representative from the Mohegan Fire Company will contact you shortly. We look forward to talking with you soon!


( * ) These fields are required

Position applying for:
In what capacity:

If less than three (3) years, list previous residences beginning with the most recent:

Are you currenly a member of a club or organization?
Have you ever been a member of any other fire organizations?
Have you ever been instructed on the duties of a volunteer firefighter/EMT?

What skills / training do you possess that may benefit the Mohegan Fire Company? *

What goals do you hope to achieve as a member of the Mohegan Fire Company? *

Are you, or have you ever been a member of th U.S. Armed Forces?
Have you ever been a member of the Mohegan Fire Company?
Have you ever been arrested?

Please list three (3) references (non relatives, over the age of 18) *

By electronically signing below, I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I grant Mohegan Fire Company the right to perform a formal background check, including but not limited to criminal history, and drivers license check. I understand that giving false information may result in the forfeiting of membership. I understand that I am not required by law to give this authorization, however without giving this authorization, the Mohegan Fire Company may decline membership. The Mohegan Fire Company does not limit participation in its activities based on race, color, creed, national origin, sexual preference, religion, or on the basis of any other characteristics against which discrimination is prohibited by state or federal law.

I promise to abide by the rules and regulations of the Mohegan Fire Company as outlined in the standard operating guidelines, and company by-laws. In the event of resignation or expulsion from the Mohegan Fire Company, all rights or claims with or against the Mohegan Fire Company are forfeited.


All applicants must be interviewed prior to the application being presented to the membership of the Mohegan Fire Company for approval. At least one (1) parent must accompany junior applicants at this interview. Acceptance for membership is based on a majority vote of the Mohegan Fire Company members present at a regular monthly meeting.

Thank you for submitting! We look forward to speaking with you soon!

©2025 by Mohegan Fire Company, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Designed by: MFCo for MFCo

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